Posts tagged “after dark exhibition


Hollow Triumph

Paul Henreid: You’re a bitter little lady.

Joan Bennett: It’s a bitter little world.


The Big Sleep

Humphrey Bogart regarding Lauren Bacall:

She was worth a stare. She was trouble.


The Big Steal

Robert Mitchum: I don’t usually make it a habit to butt into women’s affairs,

but what’s this guy Fisk to you?

Jane Greer: Don’t change your habits on my account.


Ace in the Hole

Jan Sterling: I don’t pray.

Kneeling bags my nylons.


Farewell, My Lovely

Dick Powell: I caught the blackjack right behind my ear.

A black pool opened up at my feet.

I dived in.

It had no bottom.



Tom Neal: Money. You know what that is. The stuff you never have enough of.

Little green things with George Washington’s picture that men slave for, commit crimes for, die for.

It’s the stuff that has caused more trouble in the world than anything else ever invented.

Simply because there’s too little of it.


The Big Steal

Jane Greer to Robert Mitchum: What I like about you is you’re rock bottom.

I wouldn’t expect you to understand this,

but it’s a great comfort for a girl to know she could not possibly sink any lower.


The Woman in the Window

Edward G. Robinson to Joan Bennett: There are only three ways to deal with a blackmailer.

You can pay him and pay him and pay him until you’re penniless.

Or you can call the police yourself and let your secret be known to the world.

Or you can kill him.


Blade Runner

Harrison Ford: [narrating] I don’t know why he saved my life.

Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before.

Not just his life – anybody’s life; my life. All he’d wanted were the same answers the rest of us want.

Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got?

All I could do was sit there and watch him die.

Details in the ashtray ~
